As the world continues to warm rapidly, climate crises are emerging and the search for sustainable energy sources that have less impact on our planet and are less harmful continues at the same pace. The most important natural disasters triggered by global warming are hurricanes, floods and severe weather conditions.

Traditionally, one of the biggest environmental problems that has bothered the construction sector has been the underground extraction of raw materials used in concrete production. Concrete is the most used substance on earth. Large amounts of energy, water and other resources are required to produce concrete, which often leads to pollution and environmental losses. It is estimated that concrete production is responsible for 9% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and as the population continues to grow, the demand for concrete continues to increase at the same rate. However, innovation is helping the construction sector reduce its carbon footprint through major changes such as the use of low-carbon, biodegradable concrete that meets sustainability standards. New developments with innovative methods have revived hopes as the sector adopts these options for new projects, and our company continues its investments in line with these developments.

The construction industry has begun implementing more energy efficient plans for its projects, allowing communities to directly benefit from green and environmentally friendly options such as solar energy, wind energy and hydroelectric power.