Our Foundation President Ali Kaynar’s Press Statements
Honorable Governor, Honorable Mayor, Honorable Youth Sports Provincial Director, Honorable members of the press, dear students and valued guests, First of all, I greet you all with respect and affection. I would like to express my gratitude for showing the courtesy of attending our invitation. On behalf of Bardakçı Education and Solidarity Foundation, I am very happy to be with our brothers and sisters from Niğde today. I thank you once again for sharing our happiness by joining our organization to contribute to other NGOs as an example and to support the efforts of our state, with this activity that we organized for our successful athletes who achieved degrees in Turkey and World Championships, in these challenging conditions of the pandemic. As a foundation, with the awareness that the most valuable investment will be made in human, we attach special importance to the upbringing of an educated, cultured, and successful generation who respects universal values and contributes to the solution of social and economic problems. In this context, we provide support to successful students with inadequate financial resources by providing scholarship opportunities within the foundation. Our goal is to fight and help disabled citizens to participate in social life with the understanding that “if there is accessibility, there is no disability” until not a single individual is left without access to a single electric wheelchair. We continue to support families in need with financial assistance… Valued participants, Finally, as the Scottish historian Walter Scott said, “When people stop helping each other, humanity will be destroyed, and there will be no mutual solidarity or communities.” We must act with this awareness as a society as well. We are aware that mutual support adds unity, togetherness, and a spirit of solidarity to society. Expressing that we are with those in need in every aspect of life to the extent of our possibilities, and wishing that the sports equipment we will distribute shortly will be useful and beneficial to our athletes, I would like to end my words by thanking everyone who contributed to the program, and I greet you all with love and respect.